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Services You Can Depend on When You Call Us
We know that looking for restoration services can be somewhat of a minefield, especially if you’re in an emergency or just not sure where to start
Pipe Damage
Flooding Cleanup
Appliance Failure
Sewage Backup
Insurance Coverage
Pipe Damage

This service is crucial for homes and businesses affected by water-related damages such as flooding, pipe bursts, or severe weather events. Using state-of-the-art equipment and innovative techniques, our skilled technicians ensure rapid removal of water to prevent further damage, mold growth, and to expedite the restoration process. Our commitment to thorough water extraction preserves the structural integrity of properties and safeguards the health and well-being of its occupants.

  • Water Extraction And Removal
  • Drying And Dehumidification
  • Structural Drying And Restoration
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Flooding Cleanup

Fast response for flooding basements, laundry rooms and bathrooms. When water damage strikes, it's important to act quickly to minimize the damage. That's where our water restoration specialists come in. We have the experience and expertise to quickly and efficiently remove water from your property and restore it to its pre-damaged condition. Our team of certified professionals uses the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that all affected areas are thoroughly dried. We also take steps to prevent mold growth, which can cause further damage and health problems. We understand that water damage can be a stressful experience. That's why we offer our clients peace of mind with our 24/7 emergency service and our commitment to transparency and communication. We'll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your property is restored as quickly and efficiently as possible

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An overflowing tub can lead to extensive damage. If not remediated quickly and efficiently, the water will have time to soak into the subfloors, leaking through to the ceiling below. Additionally, mold and microbial growth can occur in the walls and floor. Atlanta's Best and its team of water restoration specialists will be there to inspect the areas and begin the extraction and drying process. They will evaluate the extent of the situation to keep you safe and informed.

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Appliance Failure

These appliances work continuously to offer us the conveniences of modernization. And, yet, left unchecked or unserviced through the years, can spell disaster and failure to function. Ruptured or failed appliances can quickly spill hundreds of gallons of water onto your floors. Small leaks and drips could work to slowly produce a mold infestation, leading to an even bigger problem.

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Mold can be a silent and uninvited intruder in your home. It will grow in areas of moisture affected by leaks in roofs, pipes, or anywhere that flooding or excess water occurred. It commonly grows on drywall, ceiling tiles and even wood. Rapid response to water damage is critical to eliminating mold growth. Mold removal requires specialized technicians, such as our water restoration specialists in order to remove it thoroughly. It requires experience and can be hazardous to your health if done incorrectly.

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Sewage Backup

Sewage backups aren't just about unpleasant odors and unsightly messes; they are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. Sewages can back up due to a clogged system, a breakdown in the main sewer line, tree roots and even storm runoff. These disasters require the techniques and expertise of our water restoration specialists.

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Insurance Coverage

We accept all major insurance companies including:

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